About Us

“Life After Life” is an adult animated series reminiscent of the best qualities of many of the greatest animated series of all time. Its a tale of exploring life and death, and what they mean in a world with an after life. All seen through the eyes of Anthony, who is just another guy who got hit by a bus of all things. This is the story of his death and subsequent realization that there is a life after life. It’s every bit as fascinating as it is grotesque. Its raunchy and immature and sometimes goes to far. However I remember when adult animation had something to say. It seems like every Netflix or HBO series is gratuitous. This show is born from the desire for a call back to the era of themes and storytelling in comedy animation that adult animation fans have been missing. Not being afraid to bend the rules and challenge common thought. An ode to South Parks ability to interweave deep social and philosophical questions into every story.

With a sensibility more in common with Futurama. This story goes after every theme from Religion, to classism, to racism, to getting a look at what people do do when they thing noone is watching and so much more. Mostly from the people who have the freedom of being dead so they can say and do whatever they want. How would you react to knowing that there is an entire undead world full of every person who has ever lived. Just…. continuing to exist, in the shadow of life. The things the undead see can be heartwarming, they can unspeakable, and the can be comedy gold, which they often are in Life After Life. There is a reason why the comedy for this show is potentially ground breaking in the modern era of entertainment. We truly pull no punches. In fact the show is full of emotional gut punches through gut busting comedy, as well as heart wrenching themes with a healthy balance of insightful, thoughtful exploration of human nature. Anthonys journey through exploring what life in the afterlife is, is going to be like nothing you’ve ever seen. What does it mean to have an afterlife? Is this forever? Is it heaven? Hell? Both? Can Anthony haunt people? Is God real? Whats after this? And why do people do such weird shit when they think noone is watching. But someone who once live, at some point, probably is watching. Come watch with us. If you’re interested in following this journey and supporting the production of a pilot episode please reach out via the contact information provided or in the comment section. Thank You.